Friday, February 17, 2012

Allergy Testing

Today Chamberlin had to go to get retested for his allergies since he seems to be having reactions to more things than he did before. So here was a educational opportunity that wasn't to be missed and both Arowyn & Teagan love watching and learning about things like this. So he decided to take Arowyn along to let her see what all is involved in being tested for allergies. She was completely fascinated by the whole thing and never put down Cham's phone which she used to take pictures of the whole thing. She thought it was so cool that they put a bunch of things on Daddy's back and wrote all over it to tell what each thing was. And how the things that he was allergic to turned red.

 Before the test

Chamberlin's back after the test with all 
kinds of dots and numbers all over it

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