Saturday, November 26, 2011

Teagan's Art

Teagan has been dying for chance to try painting on a canvas with the acrylics like Arowyn does so today I got him set up and let him loose. I had my fingers crossed because I was just a little afraid that this would turn into a really big mess really quick. Amazingly though he actually did a really great job of keeping himself and his surroundings clean through the entire project without any of my assistance. When he was done he told me that the painting is about a robot who comes to the moon once every year to dig holes until he finds something for his birthday. In the painting the robot is standing on the moon with holes where the robot has dug and he is standing in front of a starry sky and you can see the red diamond he found in his digging on the middle right hand side. He had a lot of fun creating his painting and was extremely pleased with himself and his creation when he was finished.

 Teagan blotting his paint brush

 Teagan painting the dark sky in

 Teagan painting arms on his robot

 Teagan signing his painting

The Robot Mystery
painted by Teagan Meek

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